There are some mothers who mark every milestone of their little ones as a thing of wonder, and who will happily share in detail each remarkable achievement. Others are a little more reticent, and I think I fell in that category, partly because whilst my eldest is now highly successful, he was, how shall I put it, a little bit of a slow learner. Well at least that’s how the district nurse put it!
But as my Something Blue baby turns one, I hope you will forgive me sharing some milestones which in our eyes are truly wondrous. In a year, we have launched our Something Blue by Ostro brand with our ‘Out of the Blue’ collection, to delight and surprise. We have grown our collection, (with love and patience), we have exhibited at our first wedding show, we have put our pieces out on social media and received the most gushing ‘oos and aahs’ that every mother craves! We have also run three photo shoots, which were truly labours of love… who knew they could be so exhausting, but at the same time so rewarding? And now for this year we are planning our first collaborations (I don’t want to ruin the surprise) and new pieces to dazzle all who behold them!
And in all of this, I am most proud, of the playful way we have brought up our progeny. And play is such an important ingredient of infancy. In sharing some behind the scenes moments, by my side are Lucie and Faye, who have cherished Something Blue with as much love as I. And Lucie and Faye take play seriously!
The post using our Ostro topaz gems to create an outline of her late Majesty the Queen, took considerable time, but nothing in comparison to the post where we used our gems to re-create a Something Blue Union Jack… I think that was Faye’s idea. The fact that each stone had to be painstakingly put in place with special tweezers, in itself took us hours. The fact that every time someone walked past and accidentally knocked the table so that all the gems scattered, meaning we had to start again, added days. In the end we would not have made the Platinum Jubilee post deadline, without Faye insisting on staying till late at night to finish it!
As for our Jewellery shoots, it was Lucie who insisted on a quest for blue ice cream, and that our jewellery had to be worn with washing up gloves! But of course, why didn’t I think of that? There were numerous other demands for blue accessories, and I have now become an expert on blue cocktails (please don’t think for a single moment that our models are not plied with drinks). Every shoot has to be something special for everyone and I am delighted that we have lived up to our spirit (in both the literal and metaphorical sense of the word) of playfulness!
It has truly been a sheer joy to see how far we have come as well...let’s just hope it won’t be the ‘terrible twos’ for next year’s birthday blog post but instead that I will be writing about the tremendous twos of Something Blue! Watch this space...